From the balance of the 2,
gives the 1 something to do.
Now lies before us a checkered path,
full with puzzles & miststories to unfold.
Searching for a needle in the hay,
so we can behold the gardens of þelight.
And after miles on paths, old and new!
The playing field becomes a haze of gray.
Oh, Friþ! Blessed be the happy few!
Give them courage & wisdom so that they will not dismay!
gives the 1 something to do.
Now lies before us a checkered path,
full with puzzles & miststories to unfold.
Searching for a needle in the hay,
so we can behold the gardens of þelight.
And after miles on paths, old and new!
The playing field becomes a haze of gray.
Oh, Friþ! Blessed be the happy few!
Give them courage & wisdom so that they will not dismay!